建一个学生表和成绩表 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 create table student ( stu_name nvarchar(50 ) NOT NULL , [stu_id] [int ] NOT NULL , [stu_sex] [nchar ](10 ) NOT NULL , stu_age int NOT NULL , stu_email nvarchar(50 ) NOT NULL , stu_phone int NOT NULL ) create table score ( score_stuid int NOT NULL , score_val int NOT NULL )
在表中添加一列 1 alter table student add stu_number int NOT NULL
在表中删除一列 1 alter table student drop column stu_number
修改表中的一列 1 2 alter table student alter column stu_sex nchar (2 ) NOT NULL
identity 设置主键约束 1 2 alter table student add constraint pk_stuid primary key(stu_id)
检查约束(假设stu_number 必须是3位或5位) 1 2 3 alter table student add constraint ck_stunumber check (len(stu_number) = 3 or len(stu_number) = 5 )
创建表的时候添加主键外键和约束 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 create table dept( dept_id int primary key, dept_name nvarchar(100 ) not null , dept_address nvarchar(100 ) ) create table emp ( emp_id int constraint pk_id_emp primary key, emp_name nvarchar(50 ) NOT NULL , emp_sex nchar (1 ), dept_id int constraint fk_dept_id_ foreign key references dept(dept_id) )
约束 可以分为主键约束,外键约束,check约束, default约束, unique约束
主键约束 不允许重复元素,避免数据的冗余
外键约束 关联的另一个事务一定存在
check约束 保证事务的取值在合法范围之内
1 2 3 4 5 6 create table student ( stu_id int primary key, stu_sal int check (stu_sal >= 1000 and stu_sal <= 8000 ), ) insert into student values (1 , 1500 ) insert into student values (1 , 999 )
default约束 保证事物的属性一定有一个值
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 create table student ( stu_id int primary key, stu_sal int check (stu_sal >= 1000 and stu_sal <= 8000 ), stu_sex nchar (1 ) default ('男' ) ) insert into student (stu_id, stu_sal) values (1 , 1500 )insert into student (stu_id, stu_sal) values (2 , 1299 ) insert into student (stu_id, stu_sal, stu_sex) values (3 , 3434 , '女' )
unique 约束 表示事物的属性的取值不允许重复,但可以为空, 且只允许一列为空
1 2 3 4 5 6 create table student ( stu_id int primary key, stu_sal int check (stu_sal >= 1000 and stu_sal <= 8000 ), stu_sex nchar (1 ) default ('男' ), stu_name nvarchar(200 ) unique )
*几种创建表的写法 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 create table grade( gradeid int identity (1 , 1 ) primary key not null , gradename nvarchar(50 ) not null ) create table stu ( stuno int identity (1000 , 1 ) constraint pk_student_stmo primary key not null , name nvarchar(50 ) not null , id varchar (18 ) not null constraint ck_student_id check (len(id) <= 15 or len(id) >= 18 ), gender nchar (2 ) not null constraint ck_student_gender check (gender = '男' or gender = '女' ), [address] nvarchar(500 ) constraint df_student_address default '山东工商学院' , email varchar (50 ) constraint ck_studnet_email check (email like '%@%.%' ), gid int not null constraint fk_students_grade references grade(gradeid), ) drop table studrop table gradealter table stu drop constraint df_student_address
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 create table grade( gradeid int identity (1 , 1 ) primary key not null , gradename nvarchar(50 ) not null ) create table stu ( stuno int identity (1000 , 1 ) not null , name nvarchar(50 ) not null , id varchar (18 ) not null , gender nchar (2 ) not null , [address] nvarchar(500 ) constraint df_student_address default '山东工商学院' , email varchar (50 ), gid int not null , constraint pk_student_stmo primary key(stuno), constraint ck_student_id check (len(id) <= 15 or len(id) >= 18 ), constraint ck_student_gender check (gender = '男' or gender = '女' ), constraint ck_studnet_email check (email like '%@%.%' ), constraint fk_students_grade foreign key(gid) references grade(gradeid) )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 create table grade( gradeid int identity (1 , 1 ) primary key not null , gradename nvarchar(50 ) not null ) create table stu ( stuno int identity (1000 , 1 ) not null , name nvarchar(50 ) not null , id varchar (18 ) not null , gender nchar (2 ) not null , [address] nvarchar(500 ) constraint df_student_address default '山东工商学院' , email varchar (50 ), gid int not null , ) drop table studrop table gradealter table stu add constraint pk_student_stmo primary key(stuno)alter table stu add constraint ck_student_id check (len(id) <= 15 or len(id) >= 18 )alter table stu add constraint ck_student_gender check (gender = '男' or gender = '女' )alter table stu add constraint ck_studnet_email check (email like '%@%.%' )alter table stu add constraint fk_students_grade foreign key(gid) references grade(gradeid)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 create table grade ( grade_id int not null , grade_name varchar (100 ) ) alter table grade add constraint pk_grade_stmo primary key(grade_id)create table subjectx( subject_id int not null , subject_name varchar (100 ), subject_hour int , sub_grade_id int ) alter table subjectx add constraint fk_subjectx_grade foreign key(sub_grade_id) references grade(grade_id)alter table subjectx add constraint pk_subjectx_stmo primary key(subject_id)create table student ( student_id varchar (20 ) not null , stu_password varchar (10 ), stu_name nvarchar(10 ), stu_identity varchar (18 ), stu_gender nvarchar(2 ), birthday datetime, phone varchar (20 ), email varchar (50 ), stu_address varchar (50 ), stu_grade_id int ) alter table student add constraint pk_student_stmo primary key(student_id)alter table student add constraint fk_student_grade foreign key(stu_grade_id) references grade(grade_id)create table score ( score_id varchar (20 ) not null , student_id varchar (20 ), subject_id int , score int , test_time datetime ) alter table score add constraint pk_score_id_stmo primary key(score_id)alter table score add constraint fk_score_student foreign key(student_id) references student(student_id) alter table score add constraint fk_score_subject foreign key(subject_id) references subjectx(subject_id)drop table score drop table subjectxdrop table student drop table grade
*几种插入操作 1 2 3 4 5 6 insert into grade(gradename) values ('sdfsd' )insert into grade(gradename) select '一年级' union all select '二年级' union all select '三年级 ' union all select '四年级 '
1 insert into student (stuno, stu_name, gender, [address], grade_id) values ('1001' , '张三' , '男' , '烟台' , 1 )
显示表中的数据 1 select * from table_name
*2021-10-22 09:29:56 乱七八糟 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 update grade set gradename = '啊啊啊' where gradeid = 1 select * from gradeinsert grade values ('五年级' )delete from grade where gradename = '五年级' create table stu1( stuid varchar (50 ), stuName nvarchar(50 ) ) drop table stu1select * from sheet1$select * from stu1insert into stu1 (stuid, stuName) select 上映年份,导演 from sheet1$select 上映年份 stuid,导演 stuName into stu2 from sheet1$select * from stu2
多对多关系及其实现 多对多必须通过单独的一张表实现
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 create table banji ( banji_id int primary key, banji_num int not null , banji_name nvarchar(100 ) ) create table jiaoshi ( jiaoshi_id int primary key, jiaoshi_name nvarchar(200 ) ) create table banji_jiaoshi_mapping ( banji_id int constraint fk_banji_id foreign key references banji(banji_id), jiaoshi_id int foreign key references jiaoshi(jiaoshi_id), kecheng nvarchar(20 ), constraint pk_banji_id_jiaoshi_id primary key (banji_id, jiaoshi_id, kecheng) ) drop table banji_jiaoshi_mapping
*查询 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 select banji_num, banji_id, banji_name from banjiselect * from banjiselect banji_id from banjiselect * from jiaoshi select jiaoshi_id+ 10 from jiaoshi
*第五章作业 5-2:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 create table bank ( bankID int primary key, bank_name nvarchar(50 ), bank_address nvarchar(50 ), bank_phone varchar (50 ) ) insert bank values ('1' ,'模拟银行重庆分行' ,'重庆市重庆路123号' , '023-76543210' )insert bank values ('2' ,'模拟银行四川分行' ,'四川市成都路123号' , '023-12345678' )insert bank values ('3' ,'模拟银行天津分行' ,'天津市天津路654号' , '022-67890123' )